

[华语] 第32届的格莱美奖年度最佳新世纪 Peter Gabriel - Passion(1989)[FLAC/]磁力

发表于 2016-11-2 10:17:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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 楼主| 发表于 2016-11-2 10:20:53 | 显示全部楼层


专辑名称:Passion: Music for The Last Temptation of Christ
     |      艺 术 家:Peter Gabriel
音乐类型:New Age    |      发行公司:Geffen Records    |    发行日期:1989年


        ;Passion is in actuality Peter Gabriel's soundtrack to the Martin Scorsese film The Last Temptation of Christ, retitled as a result of legal barriers; regardless of its name, however, there's no mistaking the record's stirring power. Like much of Gabriel's solo work, the album is a product of his continuing fascination with world music, which he employs here to create an exceptionally beautiful and atmospheric tapestry of sound perfectly evocative of the film's resonant spiritual drama; inspired by field recordings collected in areas as diverse as Turkey, Senegal, and Egypt, Passion achieves a cumulative effect clearly Middle Eastern in origin, yet its brilliant fusion of ancient and modern musics ultimately transcends both geography and time. Remarkably dramatic, even visual, it is not only Gabriel's best film work but deserving of serious consideration as his finest music of any kind; equally worthwhile is Passion: Sources, which assembles the original native recordings which served as his creative launching pad.by Jason Ankeny



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