

[古典] Elgar: Cello Concerto, Sea Pictures Delius: Cello Concerto Songs of Farewell

发表于 2018-4-10 21:38:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Jacqueline Du Pré, LSO - Elgar Cello Concerto Sea Pictures; Delius Cello Concerto Songs of Farewell SACDISO


艺      人:Jacqueline du Pré (cello); Dame Janet Baker; London Symphony Orchestra; John Barbiroll;
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra; Malcolm Sargent
厂       牌:EMI
    埃尔加E小调大提琴协奏曲完成于1919年,也是埃尔加最后一部大型作品,这部协奏曲其实与埃尔加两首交响曲一样,均属后期浪漫时代的雄伟巨作,堪称埃尔加晚年最佳的作品。这是一首挽歌式的作品,紧凑、简练带有幻灭的性质,这部e小调大提琴协奏曲实际上足可与德沃夏克的b小调大提琴协奏曲并列为同类作品中最伟大的作品,现在它已经在大提琴曲目中占据了牢不可破的地位,成为埃尔加具有代表性的标志。      第一乐章由慢板的独奏引子开始,随后进入中板,曲式不是常规的奏鸣曲式,而只是一个简单的三部曲式。主要主题以一个略带忧郁表情的音调动机连续往下作六度模进铺陈而成,仿佛将心中块垒沉入深渊,那种深切的伤感之情,感人肺腑。乐章中间部分的旋律甜美流动,如爱的倾吐,也是对往昔美好时光的回忆。

#01] Cello Concerto in E minor Op. 85 : I. Adagio - Moderato
#02] Cello Concerto in E minor Op. 85 : II. Lento - Allegro molto
#03] Cello Concerto in E minor Op. 85 : III. Adagio
#04] Cello Concerto in E minor Op. 85 : IV. Allegro - Moderato - Allegro, ma non troppo
#05] Sea Pictures Op. 37 : I. Sea Slumber-Song (Roden Noel)
#06] Sea Pictures Op. 37 : II. In Haven (Capri) (C. Alice Elgar)
#07] Sea Pictures Op. 37 : III. Sabbath Morning at Sea (Elizabeth Barrett Browning)
#08] Sea Pictures Op. 37 : IV. Where Corals Lie (Richard Garnett)
#09] Sea Pictures Op. 37 : V. The Swimmer (Adam Lindsay Gordon)
#01] Songs of Farewell : No.1: How sweet the silent backward tracings!
#02] Songs of Farewell : No.2: I stand as on some mighty eagle's beak
#03] Songs of Farewell : No.3: Passage to you!
#04] Songs of Farewell : No.4: Joy, shipmate, joy!
#05] Songs of Farewell : No.5: Now finale to the shore
#06] A Song Before Sunrise
#07] Concerto for Cello and Orchestra : Lento
#08] Concerto for Cello and Orchestra : Con moto tranquillo
#09] Concerto for Cello and Orchestra : Lento
#10] Concerto for Cello and Orchestra : Con moto tranquillo
#11] Concerto for Cello and Orchestra : Allegramente

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