

[古典] Rachel Podger - Mozart/Jones: Violin Sonatas Fragment Completions 2021 SACD

发表于 2021-5-18 19:24:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Christopher Glynn, Rachel Podger - Mozart/Jones: Violin Sonatas Fragment Completions 克里斯托弗·格林-莫扎特/琼斯:小提琴奏鸣曲片段的完成
1.Mozart Fragment of a Sonata in B-Flat Major for Piano and Violin, Fr 1782c - Jones Completion 3
2.Mozart Fragment of a Sonata in A Major for Piano and Violin, Fr 1784b - Jones Completion 4
3.Mozart Fragment of a Sonata in G Major for Piano and Violin, Fr 1789f - Jones Completion 1
4.Mozart Fragment of a Fantasia in C Minor for Piano and Violin, Fr 1782l - Jones Completion 1
5.Mozart Fragment of a Sonata in B-Flat Major for Piano and Violin, Fr 1782c - Jones Completion 2
6.Mozart Fragment of a Sonata in A Major for Piano and Violin, Fr 1784b - Jones Completion 1
7.Mozart Fragment of a Sonata in G Major for Piano and Violin, Fr 1789f - Jones Completion 2

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