

[古典 Classical] 【6588】皮埃尔 布列兹 Pierre Boulez Complete Columbia Album Collection 67CD FLAC

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【6588】皮埃尔 布列兹哥伦比亚录音全集  Pierre Boulez Complete Columbia Album Collection 67CD FLAC



表演者: Pierre Boulez
专辑类型: Box set
介质: Audio CD
发行时间: 2014-11-24
出版者: Sony Classical
唱片数: 67

条形码: 0888430133327

|——【6588】皮埃尔 布列兹 哥伦比亚录音全集  Pierre Boulez Complete Columbia Album Collection 67CD FLAC
| |-01 Berg Wozzeck, Op.7
| | |-01-Wozzeck- Act 1, Scene 1. ''Langsam, Wozzeck, langsam!''.flac
| | |-02-Wozzeck- Act 1, Scene 2. ''Du, der Platz ist verflucht!''.flac
| | |-03-Wozzeck- Act 1, Scene 3. ''Tschin Bum, Tschin Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum!''.flac
| | |-04-Wozzeck- Act 1, Scene 4. ''Was erleb'ich, Wozzeck''.flac
| | |-05-Wozzeck- Act 1, Scene 5. ''Geh'einmal vor Dich hin!''.flac
| |-02 Berg Wozzeck, Op.7
| | |-01-Wozzeck- Act 2, Scene 1. ''Was die Steine glänzen''.flac
| | |-02-Wozzeck- Act 2, Scene 2. ''Wohin so eilig, geehrtester Herr Sargnagei''.flac
| | |-03-Wozzeck- Act 2, Scene 3. ''Guten Tag, Franz''.flac
| | |-04-Wozzeck- Act 2, Scene 4. ''Ich hab'ein Hemdlein an, das ist nicht mein''.flac
| | |-05-Wozzeck- Act 2, Scene 5. ''Andres! Andres! Ich kann nicht schlafen''.flac
| | |-06-Wozzeck- Act 3, Scene 1. ''Und ist kein Betrug in seinem Munce erfunden worden''.flac
| | |-07-Wozzeck- Act 3, Scene 2. ''Dort links geht's in die Stadt''.flac
| | |-08-Wozzeck- Act 3, Scene 3. ''Tanzt Alle, tanzt nur zu, springt, schwitzt un stinkt''.flac
| | |-09-Wozzeck- Act 3, Scene 4. ''Das Messer Wo ist das Messer''.flac
| | |-10-Wozzeck- Act 3, Scene 5. Orchester-Epilog ''Ringel, Ringel, Rozenkranz, Ringelreih'n''.flac
| |-03 Messiaen
| | |-01-001 Des profoundeurs de l'ablime, je crie vers toi, Seigneur.flac
| | |-02-002 Christ, ressuscite des morts, ne meurt plus.flac
| | |-03-003 L'heure vient ou les morts entondrent la voix du Fils de Dieu.flac
| | |-04-004 Il ressusciteront, glorieux avec un num nouveau dans le concert joyeux des etoiles et les acclamations des fils du ciel.flac
| | |-05-005 Et j'entendis la voix d'une foule immense.flac
| | |-06-Colours of the Celestial City.flac
| |-04 Debussy La Mer
| | |-01-001 De l'aube a midi sur la mer Tres lent.flac
| | |-02-002 Jeux de vagues- Allegro.flac
| | |-03-003 Dialogue du vent et de la mer Anime et tumultueux.flac
| | |-04-Prelude a l'Apres Midi d'un Faune.flac
| | |-05-Jeux.flac
| |-05 Berlioz Symphonie fantastique
| | |-01-001 Reveries- Passions- Largo.flac
| | |-02-002 Un bal- Valse- Allegro non troppo.flac
| | |-03-003 Scene aux champs- Adagio.flac
| | |-04-004 Marche au supplice- Allegretto non troppo.flac
| | |-05-005 Larghetto- Allegro.flac
| | |-06-006 Dies irae.flac
| | |-07-007 Ronde du Sabbat.flac
| | |-08-008 Dies irae et Ronde du Sabbat ensemble.flac
| |-06 Berlioz Lelio, ou Le Retour a la vie, Op. 14b
| | |-01-001 Dieu! Je vie encore.flac
| | |-02-002 Le Pecheur.flac
| | |-03-003 Etrange persistance d'un souvenir.flac
| | |-04-004 Choeur d'ombres.flac
| | |-05-005 O Shakespeare! Shakespeare! Toi dont les premieres annees.flac
| | |-06-006 Chanson de brigands.flac
| | |-07-007 Comme mon espirit flotte incertain!.flac
| | |-08-008 Chant de bonheur.flac
| | |-09-009 Oh! Que ne puis-je la trouver.flac
| | |-10-010 La Harpe eolienne- Souvenirs.flac
| | |-11-011 Mais pourquoi m'abandonner a ces dangereusus illusions.flac
| | |-12-012 Fantasie sur La Tempete de Shakespeare.flac
| | |-13-013 Assez pour aujourd hui!.flac
| |-07 Bartok Stravinsky
| | |-01-001 Andante transquillo.flac
| | |-02-002 Allegro.flac
| | |-03-003 Adagio.flac
| | |-04-004 Allegro molto.flac
| | |-05-001 Introduction.flac
| | |-06-002 The Firebird's Entreaties.flac
| | |-07-003 The Princesses' Game with the Golden Apples.flac
| | |-08-004 The Princesses' Khorovod.flac
| | |-09-005 Infernal Dance of all the subjects of Kastchei.flac
| |-08 Berg
| | |-01-001 Motto.flac
| | |-02-002 Thema scherzoso.flac
| | |-03-003 Var 1.flac
| | |-04-004 Var 2.flac
| | |-05-005 Var 3.flac
| | |-06-006 Var 4.flac
| | |-07-007 Var 5.flac
| | |-08-008 Adagio.flac
| | |-09-009 Introduzione.flac
| | |-10-010 Rondo ritmico.flac
| | |-11-011 Coda.flac
| | |-12-001 Praludium- Langsam.flac
| | |-13-002 Reigen- Anfangs etwas zogernd.flac
| | |-14-003 Marsch- Mabiges Marschtempo.flac
| | |-15-001 Seele, wie bist du schoner.flac
| | |-16-002 Sahst du nach dem.flac
| | |-17-003 Uber die Grenzen des All.flac
| | |-18-004 Nichts ist gekommen.flac
| | |-19-005 Hier ist Friede.flac
| |-09 Debussy Images pour Orchestra
| | |-01-001 Gigues- Iberia.flac
| | |-02-002 Par les rues et par les chemins.flac
| | |-03-003 Les Parfuns de la nuit.flac
| | |-04-004 Le Matin d'un jour de tete.flac
| | |-05-005 Rondes de printemps.flac
| | |-06-001 I Danse sacree.flac
| | |-07-002 Danse profane.flac
| |-10 Stravinsky Le sacre du printemps 1947
| | |-01-Introduction (L'adoration de la Terre).flac
| | |-02-Danses des adolescentes.flac
| | |-03-Jeu du rapt.flac
| | |-04-Rondes printanieres.flac
| | |-05-Jeux des cites rivales.flac
| | |-06-Cortege du sage.flac
| | |-07-L'Adoration de la terre.flac
| | |-08-Danse de la terre.flac
| | |-09-Introduction (Le Sacrifice).flac
| | |-10-Cercles mysterieux des adolescentes.flac
| | |-11-Glorifiaction de l'elue.flac
| | |-12-Evocation des ancetres.flac
| | |-13-Action rituelle des ancetres.flac
| | |-14-Danse sacrale - L'elue.flac
| |-11 Mahler Das klagende Lied
| | |-01-Das klagende Lied- I. Waldmärchen.flac
| | |-02-Das klagende Lied- II. Der Spielmann.flac
| | |-03-Das klagende Lied- III. Hochzeitsstück.flac
| |-12 LVB 5
| | |-01-001 Allegro con brio.flac
| | |-02-002 Andante con moto.flac
| | |-03-003 Allegro.flac
| | |-04-004 Allegro.flac
| | |-05-Meerstille und gluckliche Fahrt, Op 112.flac
| | |-06-Sym No 10 in F sharp minor- Adagio.flac
| |-13 Debussy Pelleas Et Melisande Drame lyrique en 5 actes
| | |-01-001 Act 1- Scene 1- Une forêt.flac
| | |-02-002 Act 1- Scene 2- Un appartement dans le chateau.flac
| | |-03-003 Act 1- Scene 3- Devant le chateau.flac
| | |-04-004 Act 2- Scene 1- Une fontaine dans la parc.flac
| | |-05-005 Act 2- Scene 2- Une appartement dans le chateau.flac
| | |-06-006 Act 2- Scene 3- Devant une grotte.flac
| |-14 Debussy Pelleas Et Melisande Drame lyrique en 5 actes
| | |-01-011 Act 4- Scene 1- Un appartement dans le chateau.flac
| | |-02-012 Act 4- Scene 2- Maintenant que le pere de Pelleas.flac
| | |-03-013 Act 4- Scene 3- Une fontaine dans le parc.flac
| | |-04-014 Act 4- Scene 4- C'est le dernier soir.flac
| | |-05-015 Act 4- Scene 5- Une chambre dans le chateau.flac
| |-15 Debussy Pelleas Et Melisande Drame lyrique en 5 actes
| | |-01-007 Act 3- Scene 1- Une Des Tours Du Chateau.flac
| | |-02-008 Act 3- Scene 2- Les Souterrains Du Chateau.flac
| | |-03-009 Act 3- Scene 3- Une Terrasse Au Sortir Des Souterrains.flac
| | |-04-010 Act 3- Scene 4- Devant Le Chateau.flac
| |-16 Boulez Pli Selon Pli
| | |-01-001 Don.flac
| | |-02-002 Improvisation sur Mallarme 1.flac
| | |-03-003 Improvisation sur Mallarme 2.flac
| | |-04-003 Improvisation sur Mallarme 3.flac
| | |-05-004 Tombeau .flac
| |-17 Debussy Nocturnes
| | |-01-Nocturnes-Nuages.flac
| | |-02-Nocturnes-Fetes.flac
| | |-03-Nocturnes-Sirenes.flac
| | |-04-Printemps-Tres modere.flac
| | |-05-Printemps-Modere.flac
| | |-06-Premiere Rhapsodie for Clarinet and Orchestra .flac
| |-18 Ravel
| | |-01-001 Lever du jour.flac
| | |-02-002 Pantomime.flac
| | |-03-003 Danse generale.flac
| | |-04-Pavane pour une infante defunte.flac
| | |-05-001 Prelude a la nuit.flac
| | |-06-002 Malaguena.flac
| | |-07-003 Habanera.flac
| | |-08-004 Feria.flac
| | |-09-Alborada del gracioso.flac
| |-19 Stravinsky Petrouchka
| | |-01-001 Part 1- Fete populaire de la semaine grasse.flac
| | |-02-002 Part 1- La Cabine du charlatan.flac
| | |-03-003 Part 1- Danse russe.flac
| | |-04-004 Part 2- Chez Petrouchka.flac
| | |-05-005 Part 3- Chez le Maure.flac
| | |-06-006 Part 3- Danse de la ballerine.flac
| | |-07-007 Part 3- Valse- La Ballerine et le Maure.flac
| | |-08-008 Part 4- Fete populaire de la semaine grasse.flac
| | |-09-009 Part 4- Le Paysan et l'ours.flac
| | |-10-010 Part 4- Un Marchand fetard avec duex tziganes.flac
| | |-11-011 Part 4- Danse des cochers et des palefreniers.flac
| | |-12-012 Part 4- Les Deguises.flac
| | |-13-013 Part 4- La Rixe- Le Maure et Petroucchka.flac
| | |-14-014 Part 4- Mort de Petrouchka.flac
| | |-15-015 Part 4- La Police et le Charlatan- Apparition du double de Petrouchka.flac
| |-20 Bartok The Miraculous Mandarin
| | |-01-001 Prelude.flac
| | |-02-002 The curtain rises.flac
| | |-03-003 First seduction game.flac
| | |-04-004 Second seduction game.flac
| | |-05-005 Third seduction game.flac
| | |-06-006 General consternation.flac
| | |-07-007 The girl is undecided.flac
| | |-08-008 The girl sinks down to embrace the Mandarin .flac
| | |-09-009 The tramps lead out, seize the Mandarin and tear him away from the girl.flac
| | |-10-010 Sudenly the Mandarin's head appears between the pillows and he looks longingly at the girl.flac
| | |-11-011 The terrified tramps discuss how they are to get rid of the Mandarin at last.flac
| | |-12-012 The lamp falls to the floor goes out.flac
| | |-13-001 Moderato.flac
| | |-14-002 Allegro molto.flac
| | |-15-003 Allegro vivace.flac
| | |-16-004 Molto tranquillo.flac
| | |-17-005 Comodo.flac
| | |-18-006 Finale- Allegro.flac
| |-21 Ravel Piano
| | |-01-Piano Conceto G major.flac
| | |-02-Piano Conceto G major.flac
| | |-03-Piano Conceto G major.flac
| | |-04-Piano Conceto D major.flac
| | |-05-Piano Conceto D major.flac
| | |-06-Piano Conceto D major.flac
| |-22 Berlioz Benvenuto Cellini
| | |-01-Benvenuto Cellini Ov, Op 23.flac
| | |-02-Les Troyens- Royal Hunt and Storm.flac
| | |-03-001 Overture.flac
| | |-04-002 Entr'acte- Sicilienne.flac
| | |-05-Le Carnaval romain Ov, Op 9.flac
| |-23 Berg
| | |-01-001 Nacht.flac
| | |-02-002 Schilfield.flac
| | |-03-003 Die Nachtigall.flac
| | |-04-004 Traumgekront.flac
| | |-05-005 Im Zimmer.flac
| | |-06-006 Liebesode.flac
| | |-07-007 Sommertage.flac
| | |-08-001 Act 3- Scene 1- Invention on a Theme.flac
| | |-09-002 Act 3- Scene 2- Invention on 1 Note.flac
| | |-10-003 Act 3- Scene 3- Invention on Rhythm.flac
| | |-11-004 Act 3- Scene 4- Invention on a 6 Note Chord.flac
| | |-12-005 Act 3- Scene 5- Invention on a Quaver Rhythm.flac
| |-24 Ravel
| | |-01-A Boat on the Ocean.flac
| | |-02-001 Modere.flac
| | |-03-002 Assez lent.flac
| | |-04-003 Modere.flac
| | |-05-004 Assez anime.flac
| | |-06-005 Presque lent.flac
| | |-07-006 Assez vif.flac
| | |-08-007 Moins vif.flac
| | |-09-008 Epilogue- Lent.flac
| | |-10-001 Prelude- Vif.flac
| | |-11-002 Forlane- Allegretto.flac
| | |-12-003 Menuet- Allegro moderato.flac
| | |-13-004 Rigaudon- Assez vif.flac
| |-25 Boulez
| | |-01-001 Avant L Artisanant Pour Furieux.flac
| | |-02-002 Commentaire 1 de Bourreaux de solitude.flac
| | |-03-003 L'Artisanat furieux.flac
| | |-04-004 Commentaire 2 de Bourreaux de solitude.flac
| | |-05-005 Bel edifice et les pressentiments.flac
| | |-06-006 Bourreaux de solitude.flac
| | |-07-007 Apres L'Artisanat furieux.flac
| | |-08-008 Commentaire 3 de Bourreaux de solitude.flac
| | |-09-009 Bel edifice et les pressentiments double.flac
| | |-10-001 Variation.flac
| | |-11-002 Mouvement.flac
| |-26 Wagner
| | |-01-Die Meistersinger von Nurnberg- Prelude to Act 1.flac
| | |-02-Tannhauser- Overture.flac
| | |-03-Eine Faust Ov.flac
| | |-04-Tristan und Isolde- Prelude to Act 1.flac
| |-27 Bartok
| | |-01-I - Introduzione.flac
| | |-02-II - Giuoco delle coppie.flac
| | |-03-III - Elegia.flac
| | |-04-IV - Intermezzo interrotto.flac
| | |-05-V - Finale.flac
| |-28 Ravel
| | |-01-La Valse.flac
| | |-02-Menuet antique.flac
| | |-03-001 Prelude.flac
| | |-04-002 Tableau 1- Dance of the Spinning Wheel and Scene.flac
| | |-05-002 Tableau 2- Pavane of the Sleeping Beaty.flac
| | |-06-003 Tableau 3- Conversations of Beauty and the Beast.flac
| | |-07-004 Tableau 4- Tom Thumb.flac
| | |-08-005 Tableau 5- Empress of the Pagodas .flac
| | |-09-006 Apotheose- The Fairy Garden.flac
| | |-10-Bolero.flac
| |-29 Schoenberg Gurre-Lieder
| | |-01-001 Part 1_ Orchester Vorspiel.flac
| | |-02-002 Part 1_ Waldemar_ Nun dampft die Dammerung jeden Ton.flac
| | |-03-003 Part 1_ Tove_ O, wenn des Mondes Strahlen leise gleiten.flac
| | |-04-004 Part 1_ Waldemar_ Ros! Mein Ros! Was schleist du so trag.flac
| | |-05-005 Part 1_ Tove_ Sterne jubeln, das Meer, es lechtet.flac
| | |-06-006 Part 1_ Waldemar_ So tanzen die Engel vor Gottes Thron nicht.flac
| | |-07-007 Part 1_ Tove_ Nun sag' ich dir zum ersten Mal.flac
| | |-08-008 Part 1_ Waldemar_ Es ist Mitternachtszeit.flac
| | |-09-009 Part 1_ Tove_ Du sendest mir einen Liebesblick.flac
| | |-10-010 Part 1_ Waldemar_ Du wunderliche Tove!.flac
| | |-11-011 Part 1_ Stimme der Waldtaube_ Tauben von Gurre! Sorge qualt mich.flac
| |-30 Schoenberg Gurre-Lieder
| | |-01-012 Part 2- Herrgott, weibt du, was du tatest.flac
| | |-02-013 Part 3- Erwacht, Konig Waldemars Mannen wert!.flac
| | |-03-014 Part 3- Deckel des Sarges klappert und Klappt.flac
| | |-04-015 Part 3- Gegrubt, o Konig, an Gurresees Strand.flac
| | |-05-016 Part 3- Mit Toves Stimme flustert der Wald.flac
| | |-06-017 Part 3- Ein seltsamer Vogel ist so'n Aal.flac
| | |-07-018 Part 3- Du strenger Richter droben.flac
| | |-08-019 Part 3- Der Hahn erhebt den Kopf zur Kraht.flac
| | |-09-020 Part 3- Orch Prelude- Des Sommerwindes wilde Jagd.flac
| |-31 Hendel Water Music
| | |-01-001 Suite No 1- Overture- Largo- Allegro.flac
| | |-02-002 Suite No 1- Adagio e staccato.flac
| | |-03-003 Suite No 1- Allegro.flac
| | |-04-004 Suite No 1- Andante.flac
| | |-05-005 Suite No 1- Allegro da capo.flac
| | |-06-006 Suite No 1- Allegro.flac
| | |-07-007 Suite No 1- Air.flac
| | |-08-008 Suite No 1- Bouree.flac
| | |-09-009 Suite No 1- Allegro.flac
| | |-10-010 Suite No 1- Hornpipe.flac
| | |-11-011 Suite No 1- Minuet.flac
| | |-12-012 Suite No 2 & 3- Allegro in D major.flac
| | |-13-013 Suite No 2 & 3- Alla Hornpipe in D major.flac
| | |-14-014 Suite No 2 & 3- Sarabande in G major.flac
| | |-15-015 Suite No 2 & 3- Rigaudon in G major.flac
| | |-16-016 Suite No 2 & 3- Lentement in D major.flac
| | |-17-017 Suite No 2 & 3- Bourree in D major.flac
| | |-18-018 Suite No 2 & 3- Minuet in G minor.flac
| | |-19-019 Suite No 2 & 3- Gigue in G major.flac
| | |-20-020 Suite No 2 & 3- Minuet in D major.flac
| |-32 Stravinksy The Firebird
| | |-01-001 Introduction.flac
| | |-02-002 Part 1- Kashchei's magic garden.flac
| | |-03-002 Part 1- The Firebird appears pursued by Ivan Tsarevich.flac
| | |-04-003 Part 1- Dance of the Firebird.flac
| | |-05-005 Part 1- Ivan Tsarevich captures the Firebird.flac
| | |-06-006 Part 1- The Firebird's entreaties.flac
| | |-07-007 Part 1- The appearance of the 13 Enchanged Princesses.flac
| | |-08-008 Part 1- The Princesses' game with the golden apples.flac
| | |-09-009 Part 1- Sudden appearance of Ivan Tsarevich.flac
| | |-10-010 Part 1- The Princesses' Round Dance.flac
| | |-11-011 Part 1- Dawn- Ivan Tsarevich enters Kashchei's palace.flac
| | |-12-012 Part 1- The sound of the enchanged bells.flac
| | |-13-013 Part 1- The arrival of Kashchei the Immortal.flac
| | |-14-014 Part 1- Kashchei's dialogue with Ivan Tsarevich.flac
| | |-15-015 Part 1- The Princesses intercede.flac
| | |-16-016 Part 1- The appearance of the Firebird.flac
| | |-17-017 Part 1- Dance of Kashchei's retinue, under the Firebird's spell.flac
| | |-18-018 Part 1- Infernal dance of all of Kashchei's subjects.flac
| | |-19-019 Part 1- Lullaby.flac
| | |-20-020 Part 1- Kashchei awakes.flac
| | |-21-021 Part 1- Death of Kashchei.flac
| | |-22-022 Part 2- Disapperance of the palace and dissolution of Kashchei's enchangments.flac
| | |-23-001 Introduction.flac
| | |-24-002 March chinoise.flac
| | |-25-003 Chant du Rossignol.flac
| | |-26-004 Jeu du Rossignol mecanique.flac
| |-33 Ravel Daphnis et Chloe
| | |-01-001 Part 1- Introduction.flac
| | |-02-002 Part 1- Danse religieuse.flac
| | |-03-003 Part 1- Les jeunes filles attirent Daphnis.flac
| | |-04-004 Part 1- Danse grotesque de Dorcon.flac
| | |-05-005 Part 1- Danse legere et gracieuse de Daphnis.flac
| | |-06-006 Part 1- Lyceion entre et danse.flac
| | |-07-007 Part 1- Nocturne.flac
| | |-08-008 Part 2- Introduction.flac
| | |-09-009 Part 2- Danse guerriere.flac
| | |-10-010 Part 2- Danse suppliante de Chloe.flac
| | |-11-011 Part 3- Lever du jour.flac
| | |-12-012 Part 3- Pantomime- Daphnis et Chloe.flac
| | |-13-013 Part 3- Danse generale- Danse de Daphnis et Chloe- Danse de Dorcon- Danse finale- Bacchanale.flac
| |-34 Berio
| | |-01-Nones.flac
| | |-02-Allelujah 2.flac
| | |-03-Con for 2 Pnos.flac
| |-35 Schoenberg Moses und Aron
| | |-01-Moses und Aaron- I. Akt, Szene I Moses Berufung.flac
| | |-02-Moses und Aaron- I. Akt, Szene II Moses begegnet Aaron in der Wüste.flac
| | |-03-Moses und Aaron- I. Akt, Szene III Moses und Aaron verkünden dem Volk die Botschaft Gottes.flac
| | |-04-Moses und Aaron- I. Akt, Szene IV Chor ''Bringt ihr Erhörung''.flac
| | |-05-Moses und Aaron- I. Akt, Szene IV ''Allmächtiger, meine Kraft ist zu Ende''.flac
| | |-06-Moses und Aaron- I. Akt, Szene IV Chor ''Ein Wunder erfüllt uns mit Schrecken''.flac
| | |-07-Moses und Aaron- I. Akt, Szene IV ''Erkennt euch darin''.flac
| | |-08-Moses und Aaron- I. Akt, Szene IV ''Er hat uns auserwählt''.flac
| | |-09-Moses und Aaron- Zwischenspiel.flac
| |-36 Schoenberg Moses und Aron
| | |-01-010 Act 2- Scene 1- Aron und die 70 Altesten vor dem Berg der Offenbarung.flac
| | |-02-011 Act 2- Scene 2- Wo ist Moses.flac
| | |-03-012 Act 2- Scene 3- Das Goldenen Kalb und der Altar.flac
| | |-04-013 Act 2- Scene 3- Feierlich.flac
| | |-05-014 Act 2- Scene 3- Tanz der Schlachter.flac
| | |-06-015 Act 2- Scene 3- O gotterbild.flac
| | |-07-016 Act 2- Scene 3- Rasch.flac
| | |-08-017 Act 2- Scene 3- Orgie der Trunkenheit und des Tanzes.flac
| | |-09-018 Act 2- Scene 3- O goldener Gott.flac
| | |-10-019 Act 2- Scene 3- Ziemlich rasch.flac
| | |-11-020 Act 2- Scene 4- Moses steight vom Berg herab!.flac
| | |-12-021 Act 2- Scene 5- Moses und Aaron.flac
| |-37 Falla
| | |-01-001 Act 1- Introduction.flac
| | |-02-002 Act 1- Atardecer.flac
| | |-03-003 Act 1- Danza de la molinera.flac
| | |-04-004 Act 1- Las uvas.flac
| | |-05-005 Act 2- Danza de los vecinos.flac
| | |-06-006 Act 2- Danza del molinero.flac
| | |-07-007 Act 2- Danza del corregidor.flac
| | |-08-008 Act 2- Danza final.flac
| | |-09-001 Allegro.flac
| | |-10-002 Lento.flac
| | |-11-003 Vivace.flac
| |-38 Bartok Bluebeard's Castle, Op. 11
| | |-01-001 Here we are now.flac
| | |-02-002 So this is really Bluebeard's castle!.flac
| | |-03-003 Ah, I see seven great shut doorways.flac
| | |-04-004 The First Door- Woe! What seest thou.flac
| | |-05-005 The Second Door- What seest thou.flac
| | |-06-006 The Third Door- Oh, be sok kincs.flac
| | |-07-007 The Fourth Door- Ah! What lovely flowers.flac
| | |-08-008 The Fifth Door- Ah! Now behold my spacious kingdom.flac
| | |-09-009 The Sixth Door- I can see a sheet of water.flac
| | |-10-010 Tell me, tell me, my dearest Bluebeard.flac
| | |-11-011 The Seventh Door- Hearts that I have loved and cherished.flac
| | |-12-012 The first I found at daybreak.flac
| |-39 Dukas Roussel 3
| | |-01-001 Fanfare.flac
| | |-02-002 Poeme danse en un tableau.flac
| | |-03-001 Allegro vivo.flac
| | |-04-002 Adagio.flac
| | |-05-003 Vivace.flac
| | |-06-004 Allegro con spirito.flac
| |-40 Bartok The Wooden Prince, Op. 13
| | |-01-001 Introduction.flac
| | |-02-002 First Dance- Dance of the Princess of the forest- Molto moderato.flac
| | |-03-003 Allegro- Second Dance- Dance of the trees- Assai moderato.flac
| | |-04-004 Third Dance- Dance of the waves- Andante.flac
| | |-05-005 The Princess notices the staff with the goldenlocks- Allegretto.flac
| | |-06-006 Fourth Dance- Dance of the Princess with the wooden doll- Allegro.flac
| | |-07-007 Great Apotheosis- Hommage of the trees, waters and flowers- Più sostenuto.flac
| | |-08-008 Fifth Dance- The Princess in her endeavour to make the Wooden Prince dance, pulls and pushes him about- Meno mosse.flac
| | |-09-009 Sixth Dance- She tries to attract the real Prince with her seductive dancing- Allegretto.flac
| | |-10-010 Seventh Dance- Dismayed, the Princess attempts to hurry after the Prince, but the forest bars her way- Moderato.flac
| | |-11-011 Slow curtain- A tempo.flac
| |-41 Varese
| | |-01-Ameriques for Full Orch.flac
| | |-02-Ionisation for 13 Prc.flac
| | |-03-Arcana for Full Orch.flac
| |-42 Berlioz Les Nuits d'ete, Op. 7
| | |-01-001 Landliches Lied.flac
| | |-02-002 The Wraith of a Rose.flac
| | |-03-003 On the Lagoons.flac
| | |-04-004 Trennung.flac
| | |-05-005 In the Graveyard.flac
| | |-06-006 The Unknown Land.flac
| | |-07-The Death of Cleopatra- Lyric Scene.flac
| |-43 Stravinsky Pulcinella Suite
| | |-01-001 Sinfonia- Allegro moderato.flac
| | |-02-002 Serenata- Larghetto.flac
| | |-03-003 Scherzino.flac
| | |-04-004 Allegro.flac
| | |-05-005 Andantino.flac
| | |-06-006 Tarantella.flac
| | |-07-007 Toccata- Allegro.flac
| | |-08-008 Gavotta con due variazioni.flac
| | |-09-009 Variazione 1- Allegretto.flac
| | |-10-010 Variazione 2- Allegro piu tosto moderato.flac
| | |-11-011 Vivo- Duetto.flac
| | |-12-012 Minuetto- Molto moderato.flac
| | |-13-013 Finale- Allegro assai.flac
| | |-14-Scherzo fantastique, Op 3.flac
| | |-15-Symphonies of Wind Instr.flac
| |-44 Schoenberg Pierrot Lunaire, Op. 21
| | |-01-001 Part 1- Mondestrunken.flac
| | |-02-002 Part 1- Colombine.flac
| | |-03-003 Part 1- Der Dandy.flac
| | |-04-004 Part 1- Eine blasse Wäscherin.flac
| | |-05-005 Part 1- Valse de Chopin.flac
| | |-06-006 Part 1- Madonna.flac
| | |-07-007 Part 1- Der kranke Mond.flac
| | |-08-008 Part 2- Die Nacht.flac
| | |-09-009 Part 2- Gebet an Pierrot.flac
| | |-10-010 Part 2- Raub.flac
| | |-11-011 Part 2- Rote Messe.flac
| | |-12-012 Part 2- Galgenlied.flac
| | |-13-013 Part 2- Enthauptung.flac
| | |-14-014 Part 2- Die Kreuze.flac
| | |-15-015 Part 3- Heimweh.flac
| | |-16-016 Part 3- Gemeinheit.flac
| | |-17-017 Part 3- Parodie.flac
| | |-18-018 Part 3- Der Mondfleck.flac
| | |-19-019 Part 3- Serenade.flac
| | |-20-020 Part 3- Heimfahrt.flac
| | |-21-021 Part 3- O alter Duft.flac
| |-45 Wagner Das Liebesmahl der Apostel
| | |-01-001 Andante con moto.flac
| | |-02-002 Lento maestoso- Allegro animato- Piu lento- Adagio- Lento e molto sostenuto.flac
| | |-03-003 Andante moderato.flac
| | |-04-004 Allegro- Molto piu maestoso.flac
| | |-05-005 Piu allegro- Allegro con brio.flac
| | |-06-006 Presto.flac
| | |-07-Siegfried Idyll for CO.flac
| |-46 Webern
| | |-01-Passacaglia for Large Orch, Op 1.flac
| | |-02-Entfliht auf Leichten Kahnen for Mixed Choruse a cappella, Op 2.flac
| | |-03-001 Etwas bewegte Achtel.flac
| | |-04-002 Bewegt.flac
| | |-05-003 Zart bewegt.flac
| | |-06-004 Langsam.flac
| | |-07-005 Sehr langsam.flac
| | |-08-006 Zart bewegt.flac
| | |-09-001 Du, der ichs night sage.flac
| | |-10-002 Lebhaft und zart bewegt.flac
| | |-11-001 Sehr ruhig und zart.flac
| | |-12-002 Lebhaft und zart bewegt.flac
| | |-13-003 Sehr langsam und auberst zart.flac
| | |-14-004 Fliebend, aubert zart.flac
| | |-15-005 Sehr fliebend.flac
| | |-16-001 Wiese im Park.flac
| | |-17-002 Die Einsame.flac
| | |-18-003 In der Fremde.flac
| | |-19-004 Ein Winterabend.flac
| | |-20-001 Die Sonne.flac
| | |-21-002 Abendland 1.flac
| | |-22-003 Abendland 2.flac
| | |-23-004 Abendland 3.flac
| | |-24-005 Nachts.flac
| | |-25-006 Gesang einer gefangenen Amsel.flac
| | |-26-001 Das Kreuz.flac
| | |-27-002 Morgenlied.flac
| | |-28-003 In Gottes Namen aufstehn.flac
| | |-29-004 Mein Weg geht jetzt voruber.flac
| | |-30-005 Fahr hin, o Seel', zu deinem Gott.flac
| | |-31-001 Christus factus est.flac
| | |-32-002 Dormi Jesu.flac
| | |-33-003 Crux fidelis.flac
| | |-34-004 Aperges me.flac
| | |-35-005 Crucem tuam adoramus.flac
| | |-36-001 Armer Sunder, du.flac
| | |-37-002 Liebste Jungfrau, wir sind dein.flac
| | |-38-003 Heiland, unsre Missetaten.flac
| | |-39-001 Schatzerl klein.flac
| | |-40-002 Erlosung.flac
| | |-41-003 Ave, Regina coelorum.flac
| | |-42-001 Weib wie Liliem, reine Kerzen.flac
| | |-43-002 Ziehn die Schafe von der Wiese.flac
| |-47 Webern
| | |-01-001 Ruhig schreitend.flac
| | |-02-002 Variationen.flac
| | |-03-001 Sehr mabig.flac
| | |-04-002 Sehr schwungvoll.flac
| | |-05-001 Etwas lebhaft.flac
| | |-06-002 Sehr langsam.flac
| | |-07-003 Sehr rasch.flac
| | |-08-Das Augenlicht for Chorus and Orch, Op 26.flac
| | |-09-001 Zundender Lichtblitz.flac
| | |-10-002 Kleiner Flugel Ahornsamen.flac
| | |-11-003 Tonen die seligen Saiten Apolls.flac
| | |-12-Var for Orch, Op 30.flac
| | |-13-001 Schweigt auch die Welt.flac
| | |-14-002 Sehr tief verhalten.flac
| | |-15-003 Schopfen aus Brunnen des Himmels.flac
| | |-16-004 Leichteste Burden der Baume.flac
| | |-17-005 Freundselig ist das Wort.flac
| | |-18-006 Gelockert aus dem Schobe.flac
| | |-19-001 Heftig bewegt.flac
| | |-20-002 Sehr langsam.flac
| | |-21-003 Sehr bewegt.flac
| | |-22-004 Sehr langsam.flac
| | |-23-005 In zarter Bewegung.flac
| | |-24-Ricercar a 6- Fuga 2- BWV 1079 (Orch by Webern).flac
| |-48 Schoenberg op.4 Berg
| | |-01-Verklarte Nacht Op.4-Grave.flac
| | |-02-Verklarte Nacht Op.4-Molto rallentando.flac
| | |-03-Verklarte Nacht Op.4-Pesante.flac
| | |-04-Verklarte Nacht Op.4-Adagio.flac
| | |-05-Verklarte Nacht Op.4-Adagio.flac
| | |-06-Berg.flac
| | |-07-Berg.flac
| | |-08-Berg.flac
| |-49 Handel Music for the Royal Fireworks
| | |-01-001 Overture.flac
| | |-02-002 Bourree.flac
| | |-03-003 La Paix- Largo alla Siciliana.flac
| | |-04-004 Menuet 1- Menuet 2.flac
| | |-05-005 La Rejouissance- Allegro.flac
| | |-06-001 Overture.flac
| | |-07-002 Andante larghetto.flac
| | |-08-003 Gigue.flac
| | |-09-001 Overture.flac
| | |-10-002 Allegro.flac
| | |-11-003 Allegro ma non troppo.flac
| | |-12-004 Adagio .flac
| | |-13-005 Andante larghetto.flac
| | |-14-005 Allegro.flac
| |-50 Berg
| | |-01-001 Rondo- Andante- Hymne- Sostenuto.flac
| | |-02-002 Ostinato- Allegro.flac
| | |-03-003 Lied der Lulu- Comodo.flac
| | |-04-004 Variationen- Andante.flac
| | |-05-005 Adagio- Sostenuto- Lento- Grave.flac
| | |-06-001 Introduction.flac
| | |-07-002 Die Seele des Weines.flac
| | |-08-003 Der Wein der Liebenden.flac
| | |-09-004 Der Wein des Einsamen.flac
| |-51 Carter Symphony of Three Orchestras
| | |-01-A Sym of 3 Orch.flac
| | |-02-001 Anaphora- Each day with so much ceremony.flac
| | |-03-002 Argument- Days that cannot bring you near.flac
| | |-04-003 Sandpiper- The raoring alongside he takes for granted.flac
| | |-05-004 Insomnia- The moon in the bureau mirror.flac
| | |-06-005 View of the Capitol from the Library of Congress- Moving from left to left.flac
| | |-07-006 O Breath- Obreath, o breath, beneath that loved and celebrated breast.flac
| |-52 Schoenberg op.46 31 16 34
| | |-01-A Survivor from Warsaw for Narrator, Men's Chorus and Orch, Op 46.flac
| | |-02-001 Introduction- Mabig, ruhig.flac
| | |-03-002 Thema- Molto moderato.flac
| | |-04-003 Var 1- Moderato.flac
| | |-05-004 Var 2- Langsam.flac
| | |-06-005 Var 3- Mabig.flac
| | |-07-006 Var 4- Walzertempo.flac
| | |-08-007 Var 5- Bewegt.flac
| | |-09-008 Var 6- Andante.flac
| | |-10-009 Var 7- Langsam.flac
| | |-11-010 Var 8- Sehr rasch.flac
| | |-12-011 Var 9- L'istesso tempo, aber etwas langsamer.flac
| | |-13-012 Finale- Mabig schnell- Grazioso- Vieo rascher- Adagio- Presto.flac
| | |-14-001 Vorgefuhle- Sehr rasch.flac
| | |-15-002 Vergangenes- Mabige Viertel.flac
| | |-16-003 Farben- Mabige Viertel.flac
| | |-17-004 Peripetie- Sehr rasch.flac
| | |-18-005 Das Obligate Rezitativ- Bewegte Achtel.flac
| | |-19-Begleitmusik zu einer Lichtspielszene, Op 34.flac
| |-53 Wagner Mahler
| | |-01-001 Der Engel.flac
| | |-02-002 Stehe still.flac
| | |-03-003 Im Treibhaus.flac
| | |-04-004 Schmerzen.flac
| | |-05-005 Traume.flac
| | |-06-001 Liebst du um Schonheit.flac
| | |-07-002 Um Mitternacht.flac
| | |-08-003 Ich atmet einen linden Duft.flac
| | |-09-004 Blicke mir nicht in die Lieder.flac
| | |-10-005 Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen.flac
| |-54 Schoenberg Serenade, Op. 24
| | |-01-001 Marsch.flac
| | |-02-002 Menuett- Trio.flac
| | |-03-003 Var- Thema- Var 1-4.flac
| | |-04-004 Sonett No 217 by Francesco Petrarca.flac
| | |-05-005 Tanzszene.flac
| | |-06-006 Lied.flac
| | |-07-007 Finale.flac
| | |-08-Waldtaube Lieder from Gurre-Lieder.flac
| | |-09-Ode to Napoleon Buonaparte, Op 41.flac
| |-55 Schoenberg Die Jakobsleiter
| | |-01-001 Ob rechts, ob links, vorwarts oder ruckwarts.flac
| | |-02-002 Ohne zu fragen.flac
| | |-03-003 Gleichviel! Weiter!.flac
| | |-04-004 Du bist immerhin zufrieden mit dir.flac
| | |-05-005 Dies Entweder und dies Oder.flac
| | |-06-006 Gegen seinen und euren Willen.flac
| | |-07-007 Ich solte nicht naher, denn ich verlier dabei.flac
| | |-08-008 Herr, verzeih meine Uberhebung!.flac
| | |-09-009 Herr, mein ganzes Leben lang.flac
| | |-10-010 Nahst du wider dem Licht.flac
| | |-11-011 Great Symphonic Interlude.flac
| | |-12-001 Scene 1- Hier hinein Man sieht den Weg nicht.flac
| | |-13-002 Scene 2- Ist das noch der Weg .flac
| | |-14-003 Scene 3- Da kommt ein Licht!.flac
| | |-15-004 Scene 4- Er ist auch nicht da.flac
| | |-16-005 Scene 4- Das Mondlicht nein dort.flac
| | |-17-006 Scene 4- Nein, das ist doch nicht moglich.flac
| | |-18-007 Scene 4- Du siehst wider dort hin!.flac
| | |-19-008 Scene 4- Der Morgen trennt uns.flac
| |-56 Schoenberg Chamber Symphony No. 1, Op. 9
| | |-01-001 Scene 1- Mabige Viertel, aber sehr heftig- Still, o schweige.flac
| | |-02-002 Scene 2- Verwandlung- Ein wenig bewegter- Das Bluhen- o Sehnsucht!.flac
| | |-03-003 Scene 3- Kraftig bewegt- Das kann man einfacher!.flac
| | |-04-004 Scene 3- Viel rascher- Allegro- Grazioso.flac
| | |-05-005 Scene 3- Mabig bewegt- Presto- Du! Du! du bist mein.flac
| | |-06-006 Scene 4- Musstest du's wider erleben.flac
| | |-07-Cmbr Sym No 1 for 15 solo Instr, Op 9.flac
| | |-08-001 Adagio.flac
| | |-09-002 Con fuoco.flac
| | |-10-001 Rasche Viertel.flac
| | |-11-002 Mabige Viertel.flac
| | |-12-003 Gehend Viertel.flac
| | |-13-001 Seraphita- Erschein jetzt nicht, traumverlornes Angesicht.flac
| | |-14-002 Alle, welche dich suchen .flac
| | |-15-003 Mach mich zum Wachter deiner Weiten.flac
| | |-16-004 Vergefuhl- Ich bin wie eine Fahne von Fernen umgeben.flac
| |-57 Boulez Eclat
| | |-01-001 Eclat.flac
| | |-02-002 Multiples.flac
| | |-03-003 Rituel in memoriam Bruno Maderna for Orch in 8 groups.flac
| |-58 Varese Equatorial
| | |-01-Ecuatorial for Male Chorus, Brass, Org, Prc and Ondes-martenots.flac
| | |-02-Deserts for Wnd, Prc and Electronic Tape.flac
| | |-03-Integrales for Wnd and Prc.flac
| | |-04-Hyperprism for Wnd and Prc.flac
| | |-05-001 Assez lent.flac
| | |-06-002 Tres vif et nerveux.flac
| | |-07-003 Grave- Anime et jubilatoire.flac
| | |-08-001 Chanson de La-haut.flac
| | |-09-002 La Croix du Sud.flac
| | |-10-Density 21.5 for solo Flt.flac
| |-59 Ravel Sheherazade
| | |-01-001 Asie.flac
| | |-02-002 La Flûte enchantée.flac
| | |-03-003 L'Indifférent.flac
| | |-04-001 Soupir.flac
| | |-05-002 Placet futile.flac
| | |-06-003 Surgi de la croupe et du bond.flac
| | |-07-001 Nahandove.flac
| | |-08-002 Aoua!.flac
| | |-09-003 Il est doux.flac
| | |-10-001 Chanson romanesque.flac
| | |-11-002 Chanson épique.flac
| | |-12-004 Chanson à boire.flac
| | |-13-001 Le Réveil de la mariée.flac
| | |-14-002 Là-bas vers l'église.flac
| | |-15-003 Quel galant.flac
| | |-16-004 Chanson des cueilleuses de lentisques.flac
| | |-17-005 Tout gai!.flac
| |-60 Schoenberg Op.29
| | |-01-Suite, Op 29 - 1 Overture, Allegretto.flac
| | |-02-Suite, Op 29 - 2 Tanzschritte, Moderato.flac
| | |-03-Suite, Op 29 - 3 Thema mit Variationen.flac
| | |-04-Suite, Op 29 - 4 Gigue.flac
| | |-05-Verklarte Nacht, Op 4.flac
| |-61 Berg Concerto for Violin and Orchestra
| | |-01-001 Andante- Allegretto.flac
| | |-02-002 Allegro- Adagio.flac
| | |-03-001 Praludium- Langsam.flac
| | |-04-002 Reigen- Anfangs etwas zogernd- Leicht beschwingt.flac
| | |-05-003 Marsch- Mabiges Marschtempo.flac
| |-62 Boulez Le Marteau Sans Maitre
| | |-01-001 Avant_ L'artisanat furieux.flac
| | |-02-002 Commentaire I de_ Bourreaux de solitude.flac
| | |-03-003 L'artisanat furieux.flac
| | |-04-004 Commentaire 2 De_ Bourreaux de solitude.flac
| | |-05-005 Bel Edifice et les pressentiments_ Version première.flac
| | |-06-006 Bourreaux de solitude.flac
| | |-07-007 Après_ L'artisanat furieux.flac
| | |-08-008 Commentaire 3 De_ Bourreaux de solitude.flac
| | |-09-009 Bel Edifice et les pressentiments_ Double.flac
| | |-10-Notations for Pno.flac
| | |-11-Structures for 2 Pnos_ Bk 2.flac
| |-63 Schoenberg Friede Auf Erden, Op. 13
| | |-01-Peace on Earth_ Op 13.flac
| | |-02-Kol Nidre_ Op 13.flac
| | |-03-001 Es gingen zwei Gespielen gut.flac
| | |-04-002 Der Mai tritt ein mit Freuden.flac
| | |-05-003 Mein Herz in steten Treuen.flac
| | |-06-001 Wenn der schwer Gedrueckte klagt.flac
| | |-07-002 O dass der Sinnen doch so viele sind.flac
| | |-08-001 Es gingen zwei Gespielen gut.flac
| | |-09-002 Herzlieblich Lieb, durch Scheiden.flac
| | |-10-003 Schein uns, du liebe Sonne.flac
| |-64 Schoenberg Drei Satiren, Op. 28
| | |-01-001 Unentrinnbar.flac
| | |-02-002 Du sollst nicht, du musst.flac
| | |-03-003 Mond und Menschen.flac
| | |-04-004 Der Wunsch des Liebhabers.flac
| | |-05-001 Am Scheideweg.flac
| | |-06-002 Vielseitigkeit.flac
| | |-07-003 Der neue Klassizismus.flac
| | |-08-001 Hemmung.flac
| | |-09-002 Gesetz.flac
| | |-10-003 Ausdrucksweise.flac
| | |-11-004 Gluck.flac
| | |-12-005 Landsknechte.flac
| | |-13-006 Verbundenheit.flac
| | |-14-Dreimal Tausend Jahre, Op 50a.flac
| | |-15-Psalm 130, Op 50b.flac
| | |-16-Moderner Psalm No 1, Op 50c.flac
| |-65 Berio
| | |-01-Rotorno degli snovidenia.flac
| | |-02-Chemins 2.flac
| | |-03-Chemins 4.flac
| | |-04-Corale.flac
| | |-05-Points on the curve to find.flac
| |-66 Berg
| | |-01-001 Night.flac
| | |-02-002 Song amid the reeds.flac
| | |-03-003 The nightingale.flac
| | |-04-004 Crowned in dream.flac
| | |-05-005 Indoors.flac
| | |-06-006 Ode to love.flac
| | |-07-007 Summer days.flac
| | |-08-001 Seele, wie bist du schoener.flac
| | |-09-002 Sahst du nach dem Gewitterregen den Wald.flac
| | |-10-003 Ueber die Grenzen des All.flac
| | |-11-004 Nichts ist gekommen.flac
| | |-12-005 Hier ist Friede.flac
| | |-13-001 Wo der Goldregen steht.flac
| | |-14-002 Lied des Schiffermaedels.flac
| | |-15-003 Sehnsucht 2.flac
| | |-16-004 Geliebte Schoene.flac
| | |-17-005 Vielgeliebte schoene Frau.flac
| | |-18-006 Ferne Lieder.flac
| | |-19-007 Schattenleben.flac
| | |-20-008 Vorueber!.flac
| | |-21-009 Liebe.flac
| | |-22-010 Mignon.flac
| | |-23-011 Grabschrift.flac
| | |-24-001 Schliesse mir die Augen beide_ 1907.flac
| | |-25-002 Schliesse mir die Augen beide_ 1925.flac
| | |-26-Er klagt, dass der Fruehling so kortz blueht for Sop and Pno.flac
| |-67 Scriabin Bartok Stravinsky
| | |-01-001 Andante- Languido- Allegro volando- Lento.flac
| | |-02-002 Allegro non troppo- Allegro- Allegro dramatico- Lento- Allegro volando- Lento.flac
| | |-03-003 Allegro- Scherzando- Allegro molto- Leggierissimo- Volando- Maestoso.flac
| | |-04-001 Preludio- Moderato.flac
| | |-05-002 Scherzo- Allegro.flac
| | |-06-003 Intermezzo- Moderato.flac
| | |-07-004 Marcia funebre- Maestoso.flac
| | |-08-001 Wedding.flac
| | |-09-002 Lullaby.flac
| | |-10-003 Lad's Dance.flac
| | |-11-001 Andante.flac
| | |-12-002 Napolitana.flac
| | |-13-003 Espanola.flac
| | |-14-004 Balalaika.flac
| | |-15-001 Marche.flac
| | |-16-002 Valse.flac
| | |-17-003 Polka.flac
| | |-18-004 Galop.flac
| |-115图片20210423084400.png



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