

[24Bit 96Khz] Various Artists -《Opus3 DSD Showcase 2》(Opus3 DSD 2013 绝讚精选 2)

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Various Artists -《Opus3 DSD Showcase 2》(Opus3 DSD 2013 绝讚精选 2)[SACD DSD 2.0]

专辑英文名: Opus3 DSD Showcase 2
专辑中文名: Opus3 DSD 2013 绝讚精选 2
歌手: Various Artists
音乐风格: 流行
版本: [SACD DSD 2.0]
发行时间: 2013年
地区: 美国
语言: 英语


  对乐音小林这么多年聆听音乐和玩音响的历史中,来自瑞典的蚊级唱片公司 opus 3一直是陪伴著我的唱片公司。怎么说呢?除了音乐偏小眾但是非常用心的制作值得聆听之外。只要是乐音小林调整音响感觉有点走入偏锋,偏向刺激 & 感官的声音走向时,opus 3的自然真实声音录音哲学,可以适度的把乐音小林的「音响之心」拉回来重新思考。
 虽然opus 3出产的唱片专辑数量不多,制作专辑的曲风上也偏向「非主流」,那么 opus 3这么多年来能在业界生存下来的条件是什么呢?一就是质少量精, opus 3的老闆自己认可的专辑才会出版,有的专辑在LP时代已非常有名,CD时代一来临,全世界各地的代理商纷纷要求CD版制作且进货。只是 opus 3老闆Jan-Eric Presson天性凡事都要求尽善尽美,有些专辑甚至早已完成录音长达五六年的时光,他老兄就是不肯出CD,原因在於他认为没有让母带音质达到最高重现之前,他是不会轻易发行的,这种艺术家的个性,造就 opus 3的专辑在录音上几乎没有人说不好,但是让小站颇为怀疑的是有时好几年才出一张专辑的 opus 3到底要怎么活下去?
 另一点是Jan-Eric Presson录音技巧是业界有名的,这一点是一般发烧小厂生存之道之一,而 opus 3的录音特色在於以「真实自然」闻名於世,所以在发烧音响圈里, opus 3的专辑绝对是不可或缺的测试CD之一,发烧友收藏的「片库」之中没有 opus 3?那么发烧友的资历可能会被眾人存疑。
 有关录音方面,发烧是够发烧了,但没有够深度的音乐内容,那么这个音乐厂牌是不可能生存。opus 3公司的专辑录音之佳举世公认,但是专辑的亲和力却不一定成正比,因为北欧地区因气候的因素,在音乐性上也容易偏向纯净无染居多,在台湾的乐友如果心灵沈静之下之后就容易接受。只是有些专辑在台湾一般乐友的品味上可能会被归类为「曲高和寡」之作,不是这些专辑不够好, 这一点我个人是觉得蛮可惜。但是 opus 3很多张专辑在全世界及港台都得一面倒的推荐,有些艺人在台湾可能根本没有知名度,但是这些演奏者及演唱者的演绎功力也得到许多古典、爵士、蓝调发烧友的一致肯定。
Showcase is a test/reference sampler for people interested in music and serious High Fidelity and who wants to test or enjoy good HiFi equipment with a carefully made selection of acoustic music, World, Folk, Blues, Jazz and Classical music in a harmonic mixture - from the latest Opus 3 releases.

Eric Bibb – Needed Time
An emotional blues/spiritual from Eric Bibb's breakthrough album, “Spirit & The Blues”.
Johan Dielemans Trio – My Heart Stood Still
This track proves, too me, beyond any doubt that DSD is capable of fidelity way beyond PCM! The dynamics, the space, the holographic presentation and cymbals so real you literally can taste the bronze in you teeth fillings. (Having spent 15-years behind the drums I know this instrument and there has never been a more realistic track in the digital domain. EVER! Thank you Johan, thank you Jan-Eric & thank you DSD)
Kjell "Ohman – Blues Opus3
An improvised Hammond organ piece with Kjell "Ohman leading the way. Very jazzy blues with excellent musicians having fun. When the musicians thought that the recording was done, Jan-Eric said, “I am sorry, but you're not..!” I want you to play a blues for me! In about 10 minutes, “Blues Opus 3″ was born!!
S"oren Hermansson & Per-Ove Larsson – Gammal F"abopsalm
An old pastoral Hymn rumored to have been played by a blind man traveling the countryside with his daughter making a living playing violin. Later arranged and transcribed for other instruments, here organ and horn.
Peder Riis – Fantasie
The leader and founder of the Stockholm Guitar Quartet, Peder Riis, plays here on the 11-stringed Georg Bolin guitar. Recorded in the same church from the 11th century with it's wonderful acoustics, where also the Quartet was recorded.
Wager-Astrand – Fasten Seat Belts
A bit avant-gard music, with mallets, percussion and organ, recorded in the huge Hallgrims Church in Reykjavik, Iceland, with it's very impressive acoustics! This piece is from the work, “Live at Vattnaj"okull”.
Kenneth Arnstr"om – Stealin’ Away
Traditional Jazz from the 20-ties, very much inspired by Louis Armstrong. Featuring the horn genius, Kenneth Arnstr"om, with the famous Swedish Jazz Kings behind him.
Lars Erstrand – Easter Parade
A real swingin' “rave up” is ending this selection of tracks, with Vibes, Tenor Sax, Piano, double bass and Drums!
Google translate 谷歌翻译
埃里克·比伯 - 所需时间
约翰Dielemans三重奏 - 我的心停转
这条赛道证明,过于我,毫无疑问,渠务署能够保真度远远超越PCM !动力学,空间,全息演示和钹如此真实你从字面上可以品尝到青铜你的牙齿填充物。 (花了15年的背后,我知道这个器械和从未有过一个更现实的轨迹在数字域的鼓点。 EVER !谢谢约翰,谢谢你一月至埃里克 - 谢谢你DSD )
谢尔·奥曼 - 蓝调Opus3
一个简易电子琴的作品与谢尔·奥曼一路领先。很爵士蓝调与玩乐优秀的音乐家。当音乐家认为录音做,一月至埃里克说, “我很抱歉,但你不是...... ! ”我要你玩蓝调我!在大约10分钟, “蓝军作品3 ”诞生了!
索伦Hermansson与每奥雅纳拉尔森 - 甘默尔F"abopsalm
PEDER里斯 - 幻想曲
赌注 - Astrand - 法尔胜安全带
有点前卫加尔音乐,用木槌,敲击和器官,记录在巨大的Hallgrims Church教堂雷克雅未克,冰岛,它是非常令人印象深刻的音响效果!这件作品是从工作, “活在Vattnaj"okull ” 。
肯尼斯Arnstr"om - Stealin “客场
从20纽带,由路易斯·阿姆斯特朗非常多的启发传统爵士乐。特色的号角天才,肯尼斯Arnstr"om ,与他身后的瑞典著名爵士国王。
拉尔斯Erstrand - 复活节游行

DSD File.com
I have both of these DSD sampler downloads and on my Teac DSD DAC these two recordings present among the most realistic and beautiful sounding recordings in my collection so far, especially from the 5.6MHz "double DSD" versions.
The sonic differences in the 2.8MHz and 5.6MHz Opus 3 samplers, which are from purist analog recordings, proves to me that many analog masters are superior to even high resolution digital masters, this should add more fuel to the analog-digital debate.
Here is a quote from David W. Robinson on the Opus 3 double DSD 5.6MHz samplers:
"It's like having the 15 ips master tape playing right there in your listening room, quite literally. (And I ought to know; I own some of Opus3 Records' Analogue Master open reel tapes, and have heard them on the UHA Phase9.) Jan-Eric's exceptional engineering comes through with shocking transparency and directness via these Double DSD files."
High resolution digital has been getting me closer to the magic of analog realism, it sounds like with 5.6MHz double DSD we may finally be there.

01. Eric Bibb - Needed Time
02. Johan Dielemans Trio - My Heart Stood Still
03. Kjell "Ohman - Blues Opus3
04. S"oren Hermansson & Per-Ove Larsson - Gammal Fabopsalm
05. Peder Riis - Fantasie
06. Wager-Astrand - Fasten Seat Belts
07. Kenneth Arnstr"om - Stealin' Away
08. Lars Erstrand - Easter Parade



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