

[古典] PTC5186682 巴赫 小提琴独奏奏鸣曲与帕蒂塔 Fischer 2SACD

发表于 2017-10-10 09:33:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Stereo/Multichannel Hybrid

Classical – Instrumental

Bach: Sonatas & Partitas BWV 1001-1006

Julia Fischer (violin)

★ TAS发烧天碟
★ 德国Fono Forum杂志:音乐与录音五颗星最高评价
★ 英国留声机杂志当月编辑严选专辑Editor’s Choice
★ 英国BBC音乐杂志2007年3月五颗星最高评价
★ 美国独立网站Classics Today:艺术性与技巧10/10最高评价
★ 週日独立报Independent on Sunday:五颗星最高评价
★ DSD Recorded

1983年出生于慕尼黑的德国女小提琴家茱莉亚?费雪,父亲是来自东德的数学家,母亲则是来自斯洛伐克的德国人。茱莉亚四岁不到就开始学小提琴,稍长也随母亲学钢琴。她先在奥格斯堡(Augsburg)的雷欧帕德?莫札特音乐院接受正式音乐教育,九岁获准进入慕尼黑音乐院,在教授Ana Chumachenco门下学琴。茱莉亚在青少年时期曾参加过许多音乐比赛,最受人瞩目的就是1995年的国际曼纽因音乐大赛,她以十二岁之龄拿下青少年组第一名,同时获颁最佳「巴哈独奏作品」特别奖。接下来五年茱莉亚参加多项比赛更是屡获佳绩,之后她的足迹遍佈欧洲各地,和她合作的指挥与乐团也相当多。2003年茱莉亚在大师马捷尔带领巴伐利亚广播交响乐团之下在卡内基首度登台,终场获得全场起立致意的最高荣耀。此外,茱莉亚也是英国留声机Gramophone杂志2007年的年度最佳艺人。

2004年,茱莉亚?费雪在PentaTone Classics旗下录製首张个人专辑「俄罗斯小提琴协奏曲辑 (PTC5186059)」,发行之后大获好评,并获得留声机杂志2005年一月号的「编辑严选专辑Editor’s Choice」,也入选美国TAS发烧天碟。自此茱莉亚在演奏舞台之外,展开一帆风顺的录音工作。到2010年为止,她在PentaTone已发行十张录音,曲目包括巴哈、莫札特、孟德尔颂、舒伯特、布拉姆斯和柴可夫斯基等作品,可说是张张精采,同时获得乐迷和乐评的青睐。


Bach’s astonishing and unsurpassed works for solo violin are glowingly realised in award-winning performances by Julia Fisher in this re-issue from PENTATONE, also available in an LP version.

Bach’s remarkable Sonatas and Partitas for solo violin are revered for their boundless inventiveness, technical ingenuity and emotional depth. With their brilliant preludes, stately dances and complex four-pa rt fugues, the dema nds on the performer are enormous – from rapid scale passages, double stopping and arpeggios, to the skill and concentration required to create the illusion of separately moving and interweaving voices.

The set is full of surprises. Sonata No. 3 contains a colossal fugue of increasing complexity and difficulty (and at over 350 bars, one of his longest) . Partita No 3 is one of Bach’s sunniest works, with the virtuoso Prelude and the charming Gavotte being regularly performed as encore pieces. Most famous of all is the legendary Chaconne from Partita No. 2, a kaleidoscopic series of variations as deeply felt and cathartic as anything Bach wrote and an incontestable milestone in classical music.

Julia Fischer’s recording for PENTATONE was showered with praise upon its first release in 2005. “Classic accounts by Milstein and Grumiaux have been usurped by this extraordinarily gifted newcomer’s enthused BBC Music Magazine. “Her mastery is beyond question,” affirmed Gramophone magazine “her ability to trace a smooth, even line a source of pleasure itself.” It also achieved the rare distinction of garnering three of France’s most prestigious awards: the Diapason d’Orfrom Diapason; the CHOC from Le Monde de la Musique; and the highest rating from Classica-Repertoire.

Julia Fischer’s extensive recordings for PENTATONE have earned major recognition and awards. This re-issue is launched simultaneously with an exquisitely designed LP edition.

1-4. g小调第一号奏鸣曲BWV1001
5-12. b小调第一号组曲BWV1002
13-16. a小调第二号奏鸣曲BWV1003
1-5. d小调第二号组曲BWV1004
6-9. C大调第三号奏鸣曲BWV1005
10-15. E大调第三号组曲BWV1006

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